A single gallon of household bleach contains over one and a half pounds of salt. Over the course of a year, this equates to over one hundred pounds of salt delivered by spray irrigation to the disposal field. As the level of salt builds, the disposal field will no longer be able to support any type of plant life resulting in brown spots on your lawn and damage to trees and shrubs. As salt build up continues, wastewater will pond and run off spreading the polluted water. NSF requires 6% for proper disinfection, household bleach only contains 5% available chlorine and does not have the strength or quality that is required for wastewater disinfection. Inadequate disinfection and the spread of polluted water leaves homeowners and their families exposed to dangerous bacteria and viruses. Ultimately, the only recourse available to the homeowner will be to excavate the topsoil from the affected area, replace the topsoil and reseed the vegetation. This is an expensive remedy for an unnecessary problem.
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