Our commercial wastewater treatment plants are the most reliable, maintenance-free method of wastewater treatment available for commercial, industrial or semi-public applications.  With system capacities ranging from 1,500 to 500,000 gallons per day, these plants are pre-engineered to accommodate current, as well as future treatment needs.  Modulair plants employ the extended aeration process to quickly and efficiently oxidize organic compounds in the most cost-effective manner.

Commercial Products


The Modulair wastewater treatment plant is the most reliable, maintenance-free method of wastewater treatment available for commercial, industrial or small municipal applications.


The Travalair wastewater treatment plant effectively treats wastewater flows up to 500,000 gallons per day for commercial, industrial or small municipal applications.

Lift-Rail System

Lift-Rail wastewater pumping stations feature Norweco's exclusive remote pump removal system and rail-sealing flange.

Posaprime System

Norweco's precast concrete Posaprime wastewater pumping stations provide dependable, maintenance-free wastewater or stormwater handling.

Simplex Pump Unit

Norweco's pre-engineered simplex pump unit serves a variety of residential and commercial wastewater pumping needs, including effluent lift, pressure dosing, spray or drip irrigation, evapotranspiration and effluent filtration systems.

Duplex Pump Unit

Norweco's duplex pump unit is pre-engineered for specialized aerobic or anaerobic wastewater pumping needs.

Distributor Mold Options

Norweco molds give precast companies the ability to sell concrete tankage for all of Norweco's technologies.