The National Environmental Health Association is a 5,000 member professional society whose membership encompasses the public and the private sectors, as well as academia, the military and government agencies. Founded to standardize the professional credentialing of health practitioners, NEHA states that its mission is “to advance the environmental health and protection professional for the purpose of providing a healthful environment for all.” NEHA’s mission is as relevant today as when the organization was established in 1937 and NEHA offers a variety of programs to advance this mission. These programs include basic science, laws and regulations, governmental and private programs, and disease and injury identification, prevention and control.
NEHA provides the latest in relevant educational material to make sure its members are informed of the most recent advances in the environmental health field. The two volume HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, FOURTH EDITION published in 2002 is a superior example of NEHA’s commitment to its members’ education and training.
Two of Norweco’s products, the Singulair Bio-Kinetic wastewater treatment system and the Bio-Kinetic wastewater management system (BK 2000) are pictured and referenced in the handbook, which is published by NEHA. The artwork and references are contained in Volume Two, Chapter Six under the Innovative Individual Wastewater Management Systems section. The handbook is used as a college textbook suitable for basic and introductory courses in public and environmental health, medicine, nursing, environmental pollution, ecology, sanitary and environmental sciences, as well as serving as a guideline for sanitarians and health department personnel.
The HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH has been a standard reference in the field of public health for over 20 years and is highly regarded. The new fourth edition has been completely revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments and newest technologies.
In addition to publishing the handbook, NEHA sponsors seven national credentialing programs (REHS/RS – Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian, RET – Registered Environmental Technician, CEHT – Certified Environmental Health Technician, RHSS – Registered Hazardous Substances Specialist, RHSP – Registered Hazardous Substances Professional, CFSP – Certified Food Safety Professional, and National Radon Proficiency Program), an Annual Educational Conference, technical workshops, publication of the JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, and professional continuing education training.
Click here to view the NEHA website,